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Powerful recurring invoices is a breeze

JobcardsOnline automatically generates recurring invoices according to the schedule you provide.  It's extremely easy to create and manage your recurring invoices.  We have two options on creating recurring invoices namely:

  1. Create an Invoice now, with a recurring schedule.
  2. Only create a recurring invoice, e.g. no immediate invoice, the first generation starts on the recurring start date.

The process for these two options are the same, except the page from which it is created.  To create an invoice immediately go to Dashboard -> Invoices and click on the New Invoice button.  To not create an immediate invoice, but only a recurring invoice, go to Dashboard -> Recurring Invoices and click on the New Recurring Invoice button.

Adding Recurring Invoices

  1. Go to the correct page as described above.  For an immediate invoice with recurring options it is: Dashboard -> Invoices -> New Invoice, for a recurring invoice without an immediate invoice it is: Dashboard -> Recurring Invoices -> New Recurring Invoice.
  2. Choose the Client.
  3. Set the recurring schedule, options include: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Every 6 months, Annually, and Bi-Annually.
  4. Ensure the recurring start date is as you want it.
  5. Optionally add automatic increases - you can specify the increase percentage, and the increase interval.  If you want an annual increase for a monthly schedule, enter 12.  For an annual increase on an annual recurrance, enter 1.
  6. Optionally specify a recurrance limit - if you want the recurring invoice to automatically stop after a certain amount of generate cycles.
  7. Add line items, negative amounts is also fully supported.  Or add a discount amount or discount percentage if you want.P
  8. Optionally add payment reminders.
  9. Click Create Recurring Invoice at the end of the page.

Editing Recurring Invoices

  1. All recurring invoices can be conveniently found on the Dashboard -> Recurring Invoices page.
  2. Click on the Edit button in the line of the recurring invoice you want to edit.
  3. Follow the same steps as above.

Pause / Resume Recurring Invoices

If you wish to skip a specific generation just ensure the recurring invoice is paused the day before it should generate, and it can be resumed from the day after it should have generated.

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Recurring Invoices
  2. Click on the Pause or Resume button in the line corresponding to the invoice you wish to pause or resume.

Delete Recurring Invoices

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Recurring Invoices.
  2. Click on the Delete button in the line corresponding to the invoice you wish to delete.
  3. A popup will appear asking you to confirm the deletion.

For your benefit we also display some stats regarding your recurring income on the bottom of the Recurring Invoices page.  It shows you in monetary value what you will earn in total, and total per schedule.  It also shows what kind of money you are losing on paused items.

We hope that our easy recurring invoices simplifies your life.  It really should, we use it, and it saves us an incredible amount of time.


More than 600 businesses operate more efficiently with us.

Ons is beïndruk en ons kyk nooit weer terug nie

Dankie vir goeie diens Adriaan.

Ek moet sê, dat ek verskriklik skepties was toe JP die eerste keer aan ons die stelsel voorgestel het. Maar hy het ‘n paar keer aangehou en ek het na al die gekarring bes gegee en dit was voorwaar die heel beste besluit wat ek nog ooit kon maak.

Die stelsel het ons werk massief vergemaklik en die beheer (saam met die geskiedenis) wat ons nou het oor die produkte het ure en ure se gekrap tussen manuele werkkaarte en naslaan van herstelgeskiedenis so vergemaklik dat ek in my dag des lewens nie weer met daardie arkaïese stelsel opgeskeep wil sit nie.

Baie dankie vir die wysigings wat gedoen is oor die verloop van byna drie jaar.

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